quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2009

- a voz está sempre pronta;
- sei cerrar, bastante bem até, o punho direito;
- já tenho o lenço p&b na mala;
- baterias da máquina e flash carregadas;
- Ok... está tudo!

Aqui vou euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... :)

Ah!!! E como amiga babada que sou, convem mais uma vez lembrar que estes senhores vão lá tocar!

1 comentário:

DollHouse disse...

I went to Doll House to by a Sherri Hill dress 1403 for the best price quoted $450 for my daughter. I was told that Doll House has a registry and that I would be the only one wearing this style dress at my formal. When I arrived at my formal, there were two 2 other girls wearing exactly the same style dress and they also got it from dollhouse I can’t begin to tell you how angry and sick that made me feels. I will not be taking my daughter there for her year 12 formal.